This past summer, I had the honor of speaking at the third annual Brave Girl Symposium in Boise, Idaho. It was an exhilarating experience that I will never forget!! I met so many wonderful new people and reconnected with old friends. My message? You are a Queen!! Check out the video HERE>>> A few people requested a transcript of the speech which you can find below.
Calling All Queens By Susan Sanelli Hammack We have moved mountains yes? In fact, I know from speaking with some of you over the past few days That some of the mountains represented in this room include: Divorce, trauma, illness and injuries And those are just some of the mountains in this room I have moved mountains I know what it’s like to look back at the end of a year And realize that I spent more days sick in bed than healthy and functional I also know what it’s like to sell my car to make rent and stand in line for hours at a food pantry On a global scale women and girls face sexual harassment and assault #metoo Are denied educational opportunities and still earn 85 cents to a man’s dollar Against these seemingly insurmountable odds we find ourselves here In sisterhood and in celebration of the Mt. Everest of courage, devotion, and love That it takes to move the mountains on the maps of our lives Yes, sisters, we have moved mountains Now what? I propose that now, we take stock And not just of the mountains we’ve moved Because as it turns out Mountains are just really big piles of dirt and rock And as we’ve moved the mountains in our lives We may have discovered that some of those rocks are actually precious stones Gifts of the mountain like wisdom, empathy, and grit I’m going to tell you a little about each of them now Wisdom is the jewel of inner knowing She’s the one that says to you...that mountain? You want us to move that mountain? No. That is not the kind of mountain we move That is the kind we go around Or she might say...this mountain can be moved But it’s going to take you some time And you’re going to need help In fact, you’ll need a steady stream of friendship, green juice, and chocolate To move this mountain, but it can be done She might even say...this mountain This is the kind of mountain that can only be moved on your knees And the dry rocky soil must first be softened by your tears That’s the kind of mountain this is Wisdom is the jewel of inner knowing Empathy on the other hand is the jewel of oneness My Mayan ancestor have a greeting that I think perfectly illustrates this When they meet, they clasp hands and one of them will say “In Lak’ech” Which means “I am another you” To which the other will respond “Ala K’in” which means “you are another me” That’s empathy Empathy sees the “other” as a mirror So when we see another’s smile it’s our own joy that we feel And when we sit with another in grief, we connect with our own pain And because we know what it is to move a mountain We can offer the weary a cup of understanding That they can drink in and be strengthened to strive on Or better yet, thrive on Empathy is the jewel of oneness Grit? She’s the jewel of perseverance She’s going to move that mountain, or she’s going to die trying She gets door after door slammed in her face And she STILL doesn’t know the meaning of the word “no” She scours the sides of life’s mountains in search of The tiniest rivulets of strength and hope to help you carry on When you thought you were at your end She’s the one that reminds you “I can do hard things” Grit is the jewel of perseverance Yes beloveds, we have moved mountains And discovered within them the precious jewels of wisdom, empathy, and grit And proven ourselves to be matriarchs, warriors, and queens When I say “you are a matriarch” I mean you are the alpha mare The herd looks to you for guidance Because of you they will decide whether they should rest and relax Or whether they should flee for safer pastures For you lead hearts with your countenance When I say “you are a warrior” I mean, when life hands you trouble, you are not daunted - not for long You shield yourself from negativity on the battlefield of life You are ready and willing to do whatever it takes to protect and provide for those you love And that includes yourself When I say “you are a queen” I mean, you are sacred. Do you believe that? You are worthy of respect And capable of choosing your response in every situation And that is true power Yes, matriarchs, warriors, and queens we have moved mountains And discovered within ourselves the precious stones of wisdom, empathy, and grit Now what? Now we rise Because the children need us to nurture and protect them Whether it be the one in your living room glued to her device The homeless child on the corner Or the brown baby detained at the border For every child is your child Now we rise Because the men need us to support them As they learn to navigate their emotions, share power, and become whole Now we rise Because our elders need us to return them to a seat of honor in our society Collect their precious stories and retell them until aging and dying are no longer sins Now we rise Because our sisters of every creed, color, and orientation Need us to hold hands with them in collaboration and love Granting them a seat at the table of opportunity Where they were once rejected, marginalized, and ignored Now we rise Because in each of our realms Be it family, community, or the universe There is a great crying out One that we can all see and feel It is a crying out for wise matriarchs, gritty warriors, and empathetic queens I’m in Susan How do I rise? It’s not for me to say We all have unique talents, experiences, and desires And those will guide us to where we can best serve But when I say “Rise Up!” I mean show up Show up in your authenticity Show up in your weakness Show up in your imperfection Show up in your fabulous crown and butterfly wings Show up And when I say “Rise Up!” I mean listen Listen to the children Listen to the men Listen to the elders Listen to our sisters And let them show you how you can best support them And when I say “Rise Up!” I mean give generously of your time, talents, love And maybe even money But only you know what your capacity is And what you can give cheerfully, and out of love But my dear, dear sisters...let’s RISE UP!! This troubled world needs you in your power And the mountains you’ve moved And the lessons you’ve learned Are a royal remedy for this planet You are a QUEEN sister! It’s time to bless your realm In Lak’ech Sisters: we are triggered and we are raw. Whether #ibelieveher or not, sexual violence and trauma has been blazoned in the media with little sensitivity or empathy, the very reason #whyididn’treport. Statistics show what my experience confirms, most of us have experienced this sort of violation and have been impacted by it in ways that affect our nervous system, our baseline sense of safety and worth, make us more vigilant, and the list goes on... These are the very issues that brought me to this work as I gained knowledge and tools for my own healing. It was in addressing my own wounds that I found my strengths and my purpose, to emerge from the fire of trauma to support my sisters. To create safe spaces for women where my creativity, silliness, and capacity to sit with pain could be put to meaningful use. This was me Rise(ing) Up. In the midst of all this ugliness, today was the best day to sit in circle with a beautiful and eclectic group of humans and imagine a better world together. We can resist that which destroys us or we can create that which nurtures us. Best strategy: do both. Now more than ever I want to raise my voice and shout from the mountaintops…YOU ARE A QUEEN SISTER!!! You are sacred! You are worthy of respect! Now more than ever I want to gather the SISTER QUEENS and support them in their own rising. Rising to say no to that which is hurtful. Rising to create a more beautiful world our hearts tell us is possible. I want to inspire you and support you and fill your basket with tools so that you can bless your realm with your talents and your love and your vision for tomorrow. There are three ways that you can join me in this mission right now. which I created for you to help you through the coming weeks. This Royal Remedy is based on my training as a trauma-informed expressive arts facilitator working with trafficking survivors. My hope is that it will be part of your self-care as you navigate any resurfacing of memories, feelings of powerlessness, grief, anxiety, or rage that may be arising in these times. |
Susan Sanelli HammackMama Archives
November 2018