Shadow & Substance
Do you feel the weight of unhealed wounds
and untold stories on your heart?
Do you need a safe space to allow yourself to feel rage, grief, and shame?
Are you ready to see your past through different eyes?
If you know that you were meant to live more fully and are ready to embark on your heroine's journey, Shadow and Substance is for you!
What is Shadow and Substance?Shadow and Substance is an exploration of the things within us that are unresolved and unclaimed. That which is unresolved may be driving our actions more than we realize, bypassing our conscious choice and keeping us from living from our strengths. That which is unclaimed is power lying dormant within us. When we create space for awareness and allow both healing and celebration to occur, we have laid a foundation for living from a more grounded place, with greater clarity and freedom. This program seeks to provide you with tools for your healing through a three step process of narrative archaeology, emotional alchemy, and gathering of provisions.
Narrative ArchaeologyNarrative Archaeology involves the unearthing of our unconscious or untold stories. Stories of our deepest truths that we have buried in our hearts for so long. Stories that we have constructed in order to make sense of our lives and unknowingly overlay on everything we experience. We bring the stories to the surface, first so we can own them. No more hiding from, denying, or being weighed down by our untold narratives. But we also dust them off and take a good look at them. Are these stories serving you? Do these stories contain important information? What do these stories tell us about what our hearts are needing?
Emotional AlchemyEmotional Alchemy is a process of transforming our pain into power. We will learn how to become aware of unresolved anger, grief, and shame contained within our story. We will learn how to make compassionate space to allow ourselves to move through these emotions. We will discover great freedom in being with what is. We will build our capacity to sit with our shadow material and bring it to light. We will gather alchemical tools like altar building, inner child work, guided visualizations, body-based awareness, journaling and inquiry to aid us in transformation.
Gathering of ProvisionsGathering of Provisions is where you get to play detective with your story. Through your experiences, the creator has gifted you with blessings, skills, and struggles (all of which are your provisions). Each and every one of those gifts were designed to flavor your essence and point you in the direction of your greater purpose on this earth. We will identify what those gifts are by cataloguing the miracles, celebrations, and angels in your life. We will give thanks for the blessings and then turn our attention to the struggles. Struggle often leads us to adopting limiting beliefs which we will dissect to uncover your core values and life’s work.
Is Shadow and Substance for me?
Shadow and Substance is for you if...
- you're tired of being a walking wounded and you're committed to doing the work of healing
- your story is heavy on your heart and you just need to get it off your chest
- you've been running from part of your story for years
- you bypassed your rage and went straight to forgiveness
- you experienced a great loss and never gave yourself the chance to grieve
- you can't seem to forgive yourself for your mistakes
- you see yourself as the victim in your life
With this program you can expect to:
- reconnect with your inner little girl and become her greatest advocate
- integrate fragmented parts of your personality
- practice the gentle art of forgiveness
- engage in simple rituals that will connect you deeply with your vulnerability
- learn strategies for creating safe space within yourself for your most uncomfortable emotions
- discover blessings and miracles in your life to be grateful for
How Does It Work?
For three months I will deliver you digital content which you will work on at your own pace. We will also have weekly one hour video check-ins where I will give you support and some customized content as well. Locals (San Francisco Bay Area) also have the option of meeting with me in person.
Susan is a masterful guide who facilitates your journey to engage in a deep and powerful transformation. She possesses exceptional insight and sensitivity which honors you on a personal and spiritual level. She gently challenges you to grow, not by telling you what to do, but by objectively reflecting back to you the situation without judgement. This allows for an honest and grounded perspective to open up to other possibilities. She creates a safe place imbued with trust and compassion, which fosters the collaboration of courage and vulnerability in approaching your work together. She has supported me to enrich, expand and deepen my sense of self. I cannot adequately express my gratitude to Susan for the positive, lasting impact she and her coaching have had on my life.
- Jane H. San Mateo, CA, Shadow and Substance Alumni
- Jane H. San Mateo, CA, Shadow and Substance Alumni
Have Questions?
Schedule a FREE 30 min Discovery Call to determine if this program is right for you.
Basic Program
All curriculum delivered digitally for you to print out and complete at your own pace.
12 weekly one-hour video check-ins |
Self Care Add On
Local participants can add on an in-person grief session/ritual. This does not just have to be for the loss of a loved one. It can be grief over childhood trauma, grief of years lost to toxic relationships, grief from having hidden yourself and repressed your voice.
Care options include, but are not limited to: space/energy clearing, movement, light body-work/healing hands, expressive arts, nourishing foods, herbs for relaxation, ritual work, trance/journeywork.
Sessions are two hours long and include all materials, intake, customization, and aftercare call.
Local participants can add on an in-person grief session/ritual. This does not just have to be for the loss of a loved one. It can be grief over childhood trauma, grief of years lost to toxic relationships, grief from having hidden yourself and repressed your voice.
Care options include, but are not limited to: space/energy clearing, movement, light body-work/healing hands, expressive arts, nourishing foods, herbs for relaxation, ritual work, trance/journeywork.
Sessions are two hours long and include all materials, intake, customization, and aftercare call.